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The data and information on the website are provided for information purposes only. No information contained on the site constitutes an offer to buy, a solicitation to sell securities, investment advice with respect to the purchase or sale of any security, an offer or solicitation by Phitrust to provide investment advice or a financial, legal, tax or investment service or to buy or sell securities or other financial instruments.
Phitrust makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, that the information provided on this website is accurate, complete or current.
The pages presenting the investment companies of the Phitrust Partners range are exclusively reserved for qualified investors. The information provided on this website is not an invitation to buy or sell shares in these investment companies. Only persons investing a minimum amount of €100,000 are authorised to invest in the Phitrust Partenaires range of investment companies, within the framework of offers made in accordance with Articles L.227-2 of the French Commercial Code, L.411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code (CMF) and 211-2 of the General Regulations of the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF).
The investment companies in the Phitrust Partenaires range are simplified joint stock companies and may not make a public offer of their financial securities. However, an offer to the public within the meaning of Article L. 411-1 of the CMF does not constitute an offer to the public when the beneficiaries of the offer acquire these financial securities for a total amount per investor and per separate offer of more than EUR 100,000, or when the offer is addressed exclusively to qualified investors or to a restricted circle of investors whose number is less than 150 (Article D411-4 of the Monetary and Financial Code2 ), provided that these investors are acting on their own behalf. A qualified investor is a person or entity with the necessary skills and means to understand the risks inherent in transactions in financial instruments. Qualified investors are professional clients within the meaning of Article L. 533-16 CMF. A professional client is a client who has the experience, knowledge and competence to make his or her own investment decisions and to properly assess the risks involved. Clients meeting these criteria may request to be treated as non-professional clients and clients other than those meeting these criteria may, at their request, be treated as professional clients.
Any investment in the investment companies of the Phitrust Partenaires range must be made after consulting the regulatory documentation specific to the investment.
It should be noted that subscribing to investment companies in the Phitrust Partenaires range involves risks. The value of the shares of the investment companies in the Phitrust Partenaires range depends on the value of the companies held in the portfolio. No assurance can be given that the performance of the shares of the investment companies presented on the site will achieve their objectives.
Any person interested in investing in one of the products presented is invited to contact independent advisors to verify the appropriateness of the investment in relation to the objectives sought.
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