A story
of actions
A conviction: being a shareholder means having the power to act. Olivier de Guerre, together with Denis Branche, gather private and institutional investors to encourage the managers of large listed companies to accelerate the transition of their business model. Phitrust was born.
Phitrust creates a foundation for social entrepreneurship and then launches, with private investors, the first investment fund to support the development of unlisted social impact companies. It will be joined in 2016 by a second fund, and a third fund in 2023 launched with renowned institutional investors.
Total. Together with Greenpeace France and twenty institutional shareholders and asset managers, Phitrust submits a draft resolution about the environmental risks of intensive oil sands exploitation in Canada. This will be the first environmental resolution in France.
Since 2003,
Nearly 50 resolutions have been submitted to the general meetings of listed companies, questioning their environmental, social, governance and ethical practices.
At the same time, more than 45 companies with a social and environmental impact have been funded and supported in their development. Integration through work, education, reduction of the digital gap, circular economy, financial inclusion, access to basic goods, fight against energy precarity, … these are all challenges taken up by the involved entrepreneurs we finance and support.
Our business :
investing to act
“Investing to act and supporting the growth of companies that place human development and the preservation of our planet at the heart of their strategy” is our “raison d’être”. In 2021, Phitrust becomes a mission-driven company. By inscribing our “raison d’être” in our statutes, we pursue the commitment and action undertaken by Phitrust since its creation.
We are implementing these principles in our two investment activities:
- We deploy SRI investment management and use all the levers of shareholder engagement to improve the governance as well as the environmental and social practices of listed companies
- We manage social venture funds and support the development of unlisted companies with an inclusive vision of society.
Our model gives priority to impact and long-term returns.