ISIN code
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YTD perf:
ISIN code:
YTD perf:
ISIN code:
YTD perf:

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Phitrust makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, that the information provided on this website is accurate, complete or current.

The information contained in the following pages is intended to inform current or potential subscribers by supplementing certain financial characteristics of the UCITS listed in their prospectus. The public’s attention is drawn to the fact that this information is inevitably partial and subject to change. It cannot therefore have any contractual value. Any investment in UCITS should only be made after consulting the fund’s prospectus and annual reports. These documents can be obtained either from this website or directly from Phitrust. All the information presented on the following pages is taken from sources considered reliable. However, Phitrust accepts no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss arising from anyone’s use of the information contained herein. Phitrust reserves the right to modify the information contained in this website at its discretion and without prior notice.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The figures quoted on the following pages relate to past periods. Past performance should not be the focus of the investor’s investment decision. In this respect, the other information contained in the report sheets associated with each fund should be taken into consideration.

It is reminded that subscribing to units or shares of UCITS involves risks. The value of investments may go up or down depending on market trends and the investor may not get back the sums invested, as the value of the units and shares depends on the value of the financial instruments held in the portfolio. The tax treatment of investing in units or shares of UCITS depends on the individual situation of each investor and is subject to change. Given the risks of the financial markets, both economic and stock market, no assurance can be given that the performance of the products presented on the site will achieve their objectives. Any person interested in investing in any of the products presented is invited to contact independent advisors to verify the appropriateness of the investment in view of the objectives sought.

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