Olivier de Guerre
Co-Founder and President
Xavier Thauron
Investment Director (real assets)
Cyrille Langendorff
Investment Director (real asset)
Iléana Beluche
Investment Manager (real asset)
Danaé Becht
Senior Investment Officer (real asset)
Gaëtan Herinckx
Investment Director (Belgium)
Oscar Ferrer
Analyst (real asset)
Claire Weiss
Analyst (real asset)
Henri de Reboul
Managing Director at Phitrust Asia (based in Viet Nam South East Asia cover)
Xavier Declève
Venture Partner Belgium (Real asset)
Corrado Ferretti
Venture Partner Italy (Real asset)
Pascal Vinarnic
Venture Partner Portugal (Real asset)
Investment committee
The Investment Committee is composed of committed shareholders, experienced managers and former managers. Its investment decisions are objective and demanding in terms of impact and financial performance.
Some members actively participate in the corporate governance of the funded companies.
Guy Portmann
Investment Committee President
Hervé Baulme
Former Managing Director of Summit Systems USA
Stéphane Courtot
Former President of Antalis France, former Managing Director of Antalis Western Europe and Asia
Banque des Territoires
Represented by Adrien de Crombrugghe
Pierre Darrot
Companies Director Former CEO of Antalis
France de Sadeleer
Companies director
Philippe Debry
Lawyer, former Partner at Fidal Paris
Corrado Ferretti
Former president of Permicro and social italian companies director
Alain Goyé
Social enterprises director
Fonds de Garantie des Victimes
Represented by Julien Le Louet
Marie-Noëlle de Pembroke
Representative Antoine Lemarchand, entrepreneur, former CEO of Nature & Découvertes
Eric Morel d’Arleux
Emmanuel Schom
Financial Manager - Capital Markets
Andrea d’Avack
Former Chief Sustainability Officer at CHANEL and former President of Fondation Chanel
Phitrust Partenaires Inclusion partners committee
Ségolène de Montgolfier
European Investment Fund
represented by Melisa Kozak (President of the PP Inclusion parners committee)
Martine Roussel Adam
Phitrust Partenaires advisory board
BNP Paribas
represented by Raphaèle Leroy
Michel Bon
Bruno Keller
Cyrille Marcilhacy
Francois d’Ormesson
Caisse des Dépôts
represented by Pierre Menet
Martine Roussel Adam
Phitrust Partenaires Europe advisory board
European Investment Fund
represented by Melisa Kozak (President of the PP Inclusion parners committee)
Fondation de France
represented by Axelle Davezac
represented by Cédric Djoukam