Our team of managers,
investors and analysts
are involved on a daily basis

Fund managers, analysts, directors, investors, boards or executives, we are all driven by the same goal: that our investments produce impact and sustainable performance, truly.


Olivier de Guerre

Co-Founder and President

Denis Branche

Co-Founder, Vice-Chairman and Portfolio manager

Philippe Debry

Mission referent

Stéphanie de Beaumont

Deputy Director General General Delegate of the Phitrust endowment fund

Xavier Thauron

Investment Director (real assets)

Cyrille Langendorff

Investment Director (real asset)

Iléana Beluche

Investment Manager (real asset)

Danaé Becht

Senior Investment Officer (real asset)

Gaëtan Herinckx

Investment Director (Belgium)

Oscar Ferrer

Analyst (real asset)

Claire Weiss

Analyst (real asset)

Isabelle Guénard-Malaussène

Head of Engagement and ESG (listed assets)

Julien Lefebvre

Portfolio manager and quantitative analyst (listed assets)

Léopold Legros

Financial and ESG Analyst (listed assets)

Juliette Jeanvoine

ESG Analyst (listed assets)

Henri de Reboul

Managing Director at Phitrust Asia (based in Viet Nam South East Asia cover)

Xavier Declève

Venture Partner Belgium (Real asset)

Corrado Ferretti

Venture Partner Italy (Real asset)

Pascal Vinarnic

Venture Partner Portugal (Real asset)

Phitrust board of directors

Olivier de Guerre

Co-Founder and President

Denis Branche

Co-Founder, Vice-Chairman and Portfolio manager

Julien Lefebvre

Portfolio manager and quantitative analyst (listed assets)

Andrea d’Avack

Former Chief Sustainability Officer at CHANEL and former President of Fondation Chanel

Jean-Pierre Lefranc

CFO Habitat & Humanisme


Innovation consultancy for inclusive ecological conversion

Hubert Rodarie

Chairman of l’AF2i

Philippe Troesch

Former Managing director of Meeschaert AM

Stéphanie de Beaumont

Deputy Director General General Delegate of the Phitrust endowment fund

Phitrust endowment fund's board of directors

Olivier de Guerre

Co-Founder and President

Jean-Louis de Montesquiou


Sophie Faujour

EVPA France and Corporate Impact Lead Europe

Jean-Marie Destrée

General delegate Fondation Caritas France

Xavier Delattre

Founder Verso L’Alto Conseil

General information

ESG Information

Information related to the sustainable investment policy and ESG integration, at the level of the management company, is available in the following documents:

At fund level, ESG information is constantly available in the funds’ DICI and prospectus on listed assets, and in the description of the investment policy and the management objective. In addition, every month, subscribers receive this information in the monthly factsheets which detail in particular the shareholder engagement initiatives implemented on ESG issues in a dedicated section. The annual management reports highlight the shareholder engagement initiatives on ESG issues in a dedicated section. Finally, the AFG FIR Transparency Code, available for active funds listed on our website, sets out in detail how criteria relating to compliance with ESG objectives are taken into account.

Our references

We have selected the principles published by major international investors and the associations of which we are a member, notably the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) and the Association Française de Gestion Financière (AFG).

Phitrust has also been a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2007. Phitrust’s ESG incorporation policy responds directly to Principle n°2, in particular with regard to the need to engage with issuing companies on strategic governance issues, including environmental and social issues. Phitrust also stands out among asset management companies by obtaining the highest ratings (A+ and A) in the latest “Assesment Report” for the Strategy & Governance and Direct & Active Ownership modules for the listed equity asset class.

Finally, our social impact investment company Phitrust Partenaires, a European Social Entrepreneurship Fund (EuSEF), also has ESUS (Entreprise Solidaire d’Utilité Sociale) public approval and the Finansol* label, which distinguishes solidarity savings products from other savings products for the general public.

*The Finansol label guarantees the solidarity and transparency of Phitrust Partenaires. The capital invested is not guaranteed.

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