Olivier de Guerre
Co-Founder and President
Denis Branche
Co-Founder, Vice-Chairman and Portfolio manager
Philippe Debry
Mission referent
Stéphanie de Beaumont
Deputy Director General General Delegate of the Phitrust endowment fund
Xavier Thauron
Investment Director (real assets)
Cyrille Langendorff
Investment Director (real asset)
Iléana Beluche
Investment Manager (real asset)
Danaé Becht
Senior Investment Officer (real asset)
Gaëtan Herinckx
Investment Director (Belgium)
Oscar Ferrer
Analyst (real asset)
Claire Weiss
Analyst (real asset)
Isabelle Guénard-Malaussène
Head of Engagement and ESG (listed assets)
Julien Lefebvre
Portfolio manager and quantitative analyst (listed assets)
Léopold Legros
Financial and ESG Analyst (listed assets)
Juliette Jeanvoine
ESG Analyst (listed assets)
Henri de Reboul
Managing Director at Phitrust Asia (based in Viet Nam South East Asia cover)
Xavier Declève
Venture Partner Belgium (Real asset)
Corrado Ferretti
Venture Partner Italy (Real asset)
Pascal Vinarnic
Venture Partner Portugal (Real asset)
Phitrust board of directors
Olivier de Guerre
Co-Founder and President
Denis Branche
Co-Founder, Vice-Chairman and Portfolio manager
Julien Lefebvre
Portfolio manager and quantitative analyst (listed assets)
Andrea d’Avack
Former Chief Sustainability Officer at CHANEL and former President of Fondation Chanel
Jean-Pierre Lefranc
CFO Habitat & Humanisme
Innovation consultancy for inclusive ecological conversion
Hubert Rodarie
Chairman of l’AF2i
Philippe Troesch
Former Managing director of Meeschaert AM
Stéphanie de Beaumont
Deputy Director General General Delegate of the Phitrust endowment fund
Phitrust endowment fund's board of directors
Olivier de Guerre
Co-Founder and President
Jean-Louis de Montesquiou
Sophie Faujour
EVPA France and Corporate Impact Lead Europe
Jean-Marie Destrée
General delegate Fondation Caritas France
Xavier Delattre
Founder Verso L’Alto Conseil